Find leads and businesses without websites

And analyse existing sites
Overview of businesses and their details e.g. address, name, total reviews, etc.

Find businesses without websites around the world, contact them effortlessly and transforms them into paying customers. Or analyse existing business' websites. Create an account to get potential clients and leads!

Did you know that, according to a study by Clutch, more than 35% of businesses in the US do not have a website?


Webleadr provides a rich set of features to easily find specific types of businesses from any area.

Find businesses across the world map

You can locate any type of businesses worldwide by dragging a selection circle anywhere on the world map.

Search business data by type or name

Enter a keyword or use a dropdown to find businesses by type or name. For instance, you can search for accountants in a specific area near London.

Contact your potential clients

Easily reach businesses via phone call or SMS with a single click! Alternatively, you can contact them through other means from our well-structured dashboard.

Score websites with Page Speed Insights

Similar to Lighthouse, our app asynchronously scores every existing website of businesses on your dashboard with ease. Identify those with poor scores and give them a call!

Spot "fake" business websites

Businesses' websites that are not real are marked in your dashboard. For example, if a barber uses their Instagram profile as a "website," that is not a real site. This will be marked in your dashboard, and you can take advantage of it and contact them.

Synced between all your devices

All your data is synced between any device you use as long as you are authenticated with the same account.

For a comprehensive understanding and access to all features and functionalities, watch the video demo! It will showcase everything you need to know.


Watch the video demonstration for a glimpse of how this solution works. It provides a handy tutorial as a guide, showcasing all features and functionalities.


80 credits = €8
Each credit = Scan 1 business
80 credits = Scan 80 businesses

The system operates on a credit basis (one-time purchase). Each credit allows you to scan and fetch one business. The minimum purchase is 80 credits for €8 or the equivalent amount in your local currency, excluding VAT. For every additional 80 credits purchased, it will add another €8. That means for €8, you can scan 80 businesses as leads from anywhere across the world.

Get started

Frequently asked questions

For important and relevant questions, we provide the necessary answers regarding this app. Additional answers will be available for more popular questions.

Get started now

Sign in and start discovering leads and businesses, whether they have websites or not, from around the world. Reach out to them, analyze their website performance, and much more!

Contact us

For any questions or comments you may have, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We are dedicated to continuously improving this app.