Get Web Design Leads Effortlessly Anywhere
Your lead generation platform to find web design leads from anywhere in the world! Find businesses without websites, non-dedicated sites and analyze existing ones. Discover how to get web design clients easily and sign up now to grow your business!

Your lead generation platform to find web design leads from anywhere in the world! Find businesses without websites, non-dedicated sites and analyze existing ones. Discover how to get web design clients easily and sign up now to grow your business!
Did you know that, according to a study by Clutch, over 35% of businesses in the US don’t have a website? Additionally, around 25% of small businesses rely solely on a Facebook page as their primary online presence.
Webleadr is a lead generation platform for web design businesses and similar industries, that offers powerful features to unlock a flood of web design leads quickly and easily, bypassing the hassle of using Google Maps, Yellow Pages, and other traditional methods. Convert them to customers effortlessly and grow your business fast! Check the video demo for a visual understanding.
Get businesses across the world map
You can locate any type of businesses worldwide by dragging a selection circle anywhere on the world map.
List businesses without websites
Using only a toggle to filter them: get businesses without websites or just show all of them. One click to make the change!
Search business data by type or name
Enter a keyword or use a dropdown to find businesses by type or name. For instance, you can search for accountants in a specific area near London.
Contact companies with one click
Easily reach businesses via phone call or SMS with a single click! Alternatively, you can contact them through other means from a well-structured dashboard.
Score websites with Page Speed Insights
Similar to Lighthouse, our app asynchronously scores every existing website of businesses on your dashboard with ease. Identify those with poor scores and give them a call!
Spot non-dedicated/third-party websites
Equipped with AI-powered analysis, our app determines if each business website is a third-party platform (e.g., Facebook Page, third party booking site) instead of a dedicated site. Non-dedicated websites are flagged and displayed in your dashboard, helping you quickly identify potential web design leads.
Synced between all your devices
All your data is synced between any device you use as long as you are authenticated with the same account.
Export to CSV
Easily export business data to CSV from your dashboard.
For a comprehensive understanding and access to all features and functionalities, watch the video demo! It will showcase the essential features.
Watch the video demonstration for a glimpse of how this solution works. It provides a handy tutorial as a guide, showcasing all features of this app.
Simple, credit-based pricing. No subscriptions or anything like that. Pay only when you want to.
$12 /100 credits
1 credit = 1 businessPurchased credits are always available in your account and can be used whenever you wish. You can always buy additional credits on top of your current ones.
Frequently asked questions
For important and relevant questions, we provide the necessary answers regarding this app. Additional answers will be available for more popular questions.
Get started now
Sign in and start discovering businesses as web design or SEO leads from around the world. Reach out to them, analyze their website performance, and much more! No more manual hassle searching for web design leads using social media, Google Maps and more.
Contact us
For any questions or comments you may have, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We are dedicated to continuously improving this app.